Thursday, September 25, 2008

Money Worry and Mental Health Crisis of Living in Debt

Money Worry and Mental Health Crisis of Living in Debt

Are you one of the many people living with money worry or even, do you live with the constant thought of how you can rid of debt concerns? If so, you could be amongst the many that are falling into a mental health crisis of major proportions.

The stress of every day living with the fear of what the post is going to bring and what telephone calls you want to ignore, is a tremendous burden to carry when you are in debt.

Normally a person with major money worry issues cannot eat properly because of the ongoing fears that being in debt brings. This eventually affects their brain, due to the fact of their lacking in the necessary vitamins and minerals needed to function properly. Sadly, after a period of time of this neglect, their mind becomes completely distorted and they tell themselves that life is just not worth living any more. The thought of suicide suddenly becomes an answer to their problems.

Another health issue of living with the constant fear of being in debt is the effect that it has on the rest of the family.

There is a strong likelihood that your relationships within the family will probably have disintegrated into an area verging on complete breakdown, which in turn will have given the other party an equal amount of stress, resulting in yet more health problems.

Cancers, suicides, marriage breakdown, health problems and constantly living in despair are all the caused of debt.

One of the first things a person should do if they reach a point of contemplating suicide, is to get medical advice urgently. Discussing your problems with a close friend or family member and enlisting their help to support you when going to the doctor would also be something you should consider.

Finally, you should get someone to help you to set up a strategy of how to get out of debt and treat this situation as a project, a project or challenge that you want to win.

With self help and the correct professional advice, you would be able to get rid of your debt problems and all the affects it has on your life within a set timeframe. Eventually you will look back, when you are no longer in debt and be proud of how you took control and stopped yourself becoming just another person who made up the numbers that brought about a mental health crisis - all because of debt problems.

For more on how self help can get you out of debt ... click here

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