Sunday, August 27, 2006

What is one way to protect your financial security?

How we spend our money is one of the answers to our financial security.

You just have to turn on the TV to see the millions of people queuing up at airports to go on their summer holidays. In many cases it is their second or third holiday of the year. Their suitcases bulging with all the new clothes they needed for the two week event.

After the summer holiday, their next thought is getting ready for Christmas, which is another mad spending time for everyone. They want the latest of everything for their children and family, spending hundreds and even thousands to appease their desire to give the best. Their homes have to be adorned with the newest designer Christmas decorations. They can't use last year's because they are no longer fashionable for the home. If they were truly honest with themselves they would know that their agenda was to impress their neighbours and visitors on how 'clever' they were for putting on such a 'beautiful' show.

They rush off to the stores to buy the pre packed luxury foods for the special two day event. Then they complain about how stressed they are with the constant round of Christmas shopping.

It goes on and on, month after month until the flexible credit card is no longer flexible and certainly no longer friendly.

Ask yourself if you are guilty of unnecessary spending and if you have reached the time when you want to take control of your spending again. Many people have turned their lives around and gone on to acquire financial security - so why not you.

Survive Debts Challenge

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Debt in later life

Debt can be a daunting experience at any time in life but debt later in life is a nightmare experience to have to deal with.

When you are in your forties and have to contend with debt problems, you can very easily get back to a financial status which is at the very least, acceptable. In your fifties it is a different matter and can be very depressing trying to find a job yet constantly being rejected. Being sixty and broke is a position nobody would ever want to be in.

It has now become knowledge through recent reports that people in their later life have more debt than ever and in some cases, credit card debts alone exceeding more than £100K.

Finding extra income later in life can be very difficult and even though there are many stories about what you can earn on the internet, they don't tell you how long it takes to learn how to do it actually make that money.

There are many ideas in the eBook on how you can generate more income, most of which are irrelevant of age.

Debts Challenge

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Food For Thought

Read the following slowly - it still applies today!

Hercules and Pallas

Hercules, once journeying along a narrow roadway, came across a
strange-looking animal that reared its head and threatened him.
Nothing daunted, the hero gave him a few lusty blows with his club,
and thought to have gone on his way.

The monster, however, much to the astonishment of Hercules, was now three times as big as it was before, and of a still more threatening aspect. He thereupon redoubled his blows and laid about him fast and furiously; but the harder and quicker the strokes of the club, the bigger and more frightful grew the monster, and now completely filled up the road.

Pallas then appeared upon the scene. "Stop, Hercules," said she. "Cease your
blows. The monster's name is Strife. Let it alone, and it will soon become as little as it was at first."

"Strife feeds on conflict."

The more you think about that message the more profound it becomes.

To go my website - click the link.

Debts Challenge

Debts Challenge

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Be Driven by Challanges

Even though the eBook is ready, I still have to complete the newsletter and report.

Much as I really enjoyed putting the book together, creating the website, hosting and graphics certainly took more time than I expected but it has been a tremendous challenge and learning curve.

I think we all need a challenge in our life at times. Not particularly a financial challenge though.!

Challanges motivate us, they give us a passion to get going and be successful. We all want to win a challenge, whether it is self inflicted or not. Don't you love waking up each morning knowing exactly what you want to achieve on any given day?

To go to the website - just click the link.

Debts Challenge

Debts Challenge

Monday, August 07, 2006

eBook - Now Available

After months of work, the eBook is now ready and if you decide you would like to purchase it - there are three bonus books free. For a limited period only, there is also a surprise when you order!

It has been a great experience writing this eBook. I've opened up a lot of wounds but by doing so, hope to help others cope with their financial disasters. To go to the website - just click the link.

Debts Challenge