Sunday, August 27, 2006

What is one way to protect your financial security?

How we spend our money is one of the answers to our financial security.

You just have to turn on the TV to see the millions of people queuing up at airports to go on their summer holidays. In many cases it is their second or third holiday of the year. Their suitcases bulging with all the new clothes they needed for the two week event.

After the summer holiday, their next thought is getting ready for Christmas, which is another mad spending time for everyone. They want the latest of everything for their children and family, spending hundreds and even thousands to appease their desire to give the best. Their homes have to be adorned with the newest designer Christmas decorations. They can't use last year's because they are no longer fashionable for the home. If they were truly honest with themselves they would know that their agenda was to impress their neighbours and visitors on how 'clever' they were for putting on such a 'beautiful' show.

They rush off to the stores to buy the pre packed luxury foods for the special two day event. Then they complain about how stressed they are with the constant round of Christmas shopping.

It goes on and on, month after month until the flexible credit card is no longer flexible and certainly no longer friendly.

Ask yourself if you are guilty of unnecessary spending and if you have reached the time when you want to take control of your spending again. Many people have turned their lives around and gone on to acquire financial security - so why not you.

Survive Debts Challenge

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