Thursday, July 27, 2006

The Challenge of Debt

How many people are suffering today with the worry of their awful financial situation?

In the majority of cases, through no fault of their own, they are having to cope with the stress of constant worry and that in turn leads to many major health problems.

It's a vicious circle. But unless you have been in the same boat, would you really understand? Could you help someone in that situation? Obviously you wouldn't be able to help them financially - or would you, but you could help them by listening.

The loss of you financial security can equate to a breavement or the loss of a relationship. It hurts. It's embarrassing. It's frightening. It keeps you awake at night. You can't eat, or you eat continuously. You drink to blot out your worries. All of this goes on day after day, week after week, month after month and even year after year.

It's so degrading trying to make ends meet all the time. Not having enough money to help those you would love to. Worrying about birthdays, holidays and Christmas.

One day - you wake up in the middle of this despair and realise that there is another way to deal with your debts and that becomes your challenge. Everyone loves a challenge and everyone loves to win a challenge.

This blog will be about the positives of your debts and the fantastic life you would be living.

Look after yourself...
Debts Challenge

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