Just because you are in debt, does not mean to say that you can't have fun. There are many things you can do which are free or cost very little.
The obvious ones are, inviting friends and family over for a get together, with each family bringing something in the way of food. You could use this time to bond with your family and even play 'old fashioned' games of cards etc.
Taking your small children to the local park and devising games for them to enjoy. By accessing and preparing the situation, you could plan an event which could also include many other local children.
Taking time out to read the books which are freely available from the library. You may also find that there are many local events listed in the library boards, which you had not thought about. Also many libraries have 'children story times', which will give the children a time to be with other children and yourself, some free time nearby.
That is just three simple things you could do. There are many suggestions in my eBook and please feel free to get the FREE REPORT.
Still on a positive note, have a look at this site ... I definitely recommend it.
Debts Challenge - Have Fun in Debt
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